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Welcome to Wildlife Wanderlust. I'm currently a part time traveler who spends my stateside days completing my degree in veterinary technology, caring for animals, and day dreaming about my next wildlife encounter.

UPDATE: Sorry, Mom! Week two with our nameless rabbit

UPDATE: Sorry, Mom! Week two with our nameless rabbit

I know everyone says this about their pets, but my rabbit is actually the cutest rabbit it the world. We have survived week two with our bunny and I have never met a rabbit with quite as much personality as our little lady. This post is probably the millenial's version of a baby book so if adorable bunny pictures aren't you're thing, leave now. Not forever though, come back soon for non-rabbit related things. 

In that week she has graduated from milk twice a day to only once, so she is officially being weened! And is happy drinking out of her little baby sized water bottle. She did originally start with a dish (aka cat food can lid). 

She is very good at helping with laundry and loves the rags right after they come out of the dryer.

I apologize; my dear Mother took these photos which is why they aren't the best. How do you teach old people to use an iPhone?

She loves lounging out in the grass on a calm, sunny day, but not when it's windy. That is too scary and she refuses to come out. She also has made a forever friend in our dog Indy, who also loves a good lounge in the sunshine. 

She has become the star employee at our office and gets to run around and poop everywhere as her reward. She also got her own desk (drawer). I can't see all the way in the back so fingers crossed she didn't leave anything back there. 

The best part of our week though without a doubt.. A family reunion! Little Nameless Bunny got to spend the whole weekend with her two sisters. She had a great time snuggling in their basket while I was stressed over making sure Hazel got her eye medicine. And though it doesn't look like it, these three are sisters. Lola and Hazel were kind enough to share their big cage with her and, Nameless showed them around the office on Monday. She was very happy to have her family meals and we are all looking forward to another play date. 

She is not afraid of her veggie either and loves luttuce the most

Thank you for those of you that stuck with me to the end of this. Because it took me so long to publish, the leading lady does now have a name that I am happy to report. Welcome to the family Graham! However, I will still be calling you Meatball no matter what my mom says.

No Plastic July-Challenge accepted

Sorry, Mom! The first unwanted animal I have brought home from work

Sorry, Mom! The first unwanted animal I have brought home from work